I have always thought that Betty White was cool. She reminds me of a favorite aunt of mine with her humor and laughter. So maybe that is why I responded so well when I started listening to her audiobook of Here We Go Again: My Life in Television. And the fact that she reads it doesn't hurt either!
Betty White has been in television since 1949! I had no idea she was such a pioneer. I must admit my TV memories of her are of her playing Sue Ann Nivens on the Mary Tyler Moore show in the 70's. But in this memoir you find out about her early days of broadcasting on a daily show for over 6 hours a day, as well as countless variations of the Betty White Show, her regular spots on the Tonight Show with Jack Paar, and her many guest spots on game shows, and talk shows. And then there is MTM and the Golden Girls.
I think anyone who is interested in the history of the television industry would be interested to check out her story. The story is told with good humor (hello! It's Betty White!) But not everything is rosy - she tells the story behind the scenes as well.
My only problem with this audiobook is that it is abridged! (And it does not say it on the container.) I wanted more! Have a listen and laugh. A fun read.