Flowers and bee

Flowers and bee

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Mysteries on Martha's Vineyard

Victoria Trumbull is the main character in Cythnia Riggs' mystery series. She is ninety-two and solving crime on Martha's Vineyard. And she makes these mysteries great fun. She knows everyone on the island and it is very funny when she takes bullies, who are trying to threaten her, down a peg by asking after their grandmothers. Her helpfulness to the sheriff in town - who is an outsider - earns her a deputyship! She is not perfect - she has aches and pains, disdains anyone who puts old people down, and can be mule headed. But how could you not love a person so full of life, her love of place - the island and it's people - and with the curiousity and the energy of a person half her age?

Deadly Nightshade,

The Cranefly Orchid Murders,

The Cemetary Yew

I have read the first three and am looking for more. Try 'em you'll like 'em.

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