A history of Target? What is there to know? Actually there is quite a lot really, to learn about their founding brothers/owners - the Daytons (one of whom created B. Dalton Booksellers), and how they run the company today. The book, On Target : How the World's Hottest Retailer Hit a Bull's-Eye, by Laura Rowley is pro Target - how could it not be? - they let her in their offices - but it is not overwhelming enough to make one scream "BIASED!" at the top of their lungs. And for all the company bios, or puff piece articles in business magazines, that is saying something.
I felt like the reader was getting a glimpse in to the mightly "Tar jey" and how they have decided to focus on design and good value, as opposed to the "as cheap as you can and you get what you pay for" attitude that some other retailers have. Is every store or item perfect? Of course not - within any chain there are good store managers and bad ones. But if the bad attitude is coming from up on top, it evently drifts down to the customer service level.
It was interesting how their owning Marshall Field's was a bit glossed over - the Chicagoland area is not pleased with the Dayton Hudson/Target folks about that. But whether you believe all the management plans and "missions" or not, the story of their prowess in gathering and developing designers is something worth looking at. And to be very successful in this highly competitive market called retail is a big deal.
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