Flowers and bee

Flowers and bee

Monday, January 08, 2007

Polar Dream

Do you think it is cold in your neck of the woods? Try reading Polar Dream: The Heroic Saga of the First Solo Journey by a Woman and Her Dog to the Pole by Helen Thayer. Thayer who is 50 when she makes the trek to the North Magnetic Pole, is a native New Zealander who has plenty of mountaineering experience. She decides to ski to the North Pole. As she prepares for her journey by learning from the local Inuit, they suggest that the Polar bears might get her and that she needs a native dog. She meets her new companion the day before she sets out - a black Inuit dog, who doesn't have a name, but knows how to chase Polar bears. She names him Charlie and their adventure begins. Lots of cold and wind, and Polar bears. And a story of a human and an animal learning to trust and care for each other. You might want to read it on one of the hottest summer days. A great story.

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