I've been a bit obsessed with Harry Potter recently and have been having marathon reading sessions! What can one say about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows? J.K. Rowling has definitely put her final (?) stamp on the Harry Potter saga.
First - you must have read the other six books to appreciate the winding up of sub plots and themes that are in this one. There are so many things that run through these books. Much more than just a "simple" children's story. I will not provide spoilers (I think), but sweeping generalizations of the story.
The concept of explaining death and loss - how people cope with it, face it, fear it and rebound from it. Growing up and "coming of age" is deliberate through the books. Learning that your heroes and parents aren't perfect and may have made mistakes in the past. How your choices do effect your future. The concept of family - whether the one that you are born into, or the one that you have created for yourself. The books touch on how one can change, for good or bad. How one can escape from the patterns of life that you have created for yourself. How first impressions are not always correct, and people have multiple reasons for not telling the truth. Learning that the world is not just in black or white - there are many shades of gray. Oh and yes, there is the wonderful magical world that Rowling has created.
So read away and get caught up in her characters, their troubles and triumphs and the wizard war that will decide their futures. Does she answer all our questions? Most stuff. Will she write more, who knows? But let us be damn grateful that she wrote these. Excellent read.
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