The Garden Plot by J.S. Borthwick is a book in the Sarah Deane mystery series. And it has a great concept. Sarah is going on a gardening travel tour with her Aunt Julia. Aunt Julia got the trip for free because someone else could not go. A free trip to England to visit the famous gardens - what a deal! Sarah could use a rest after teaching this last semester in Maine. And she is curious to see her colleague Ellen lead the group as the gardening expert.
But on the way to airport to catch their flight - things begin to happen. Ellen doesn't make her flight. When they arrive in England - no one can get in touch with her. Where is she? When her stabbed body is found on the side of the road, Sarah starts to get a bit nervous. It is beginning to look like the murderer made the flight and is on the tour. So just who is it? Just try to enjoy your vacation with that hanging over you!
Borthwick deftly takes us to England, Maine and back again as the investigation becomes trans-Atlantic. Sarah and Aunt Jane are great characters and bring us into the story. The author makes the English trip come alive - if you have been there - it will bring you back. And you definitely will look at gardening tools a little different from now on. This was a great introduction to a series I was not familiar with. I am looking forward to reading some more books from the series. A fun read.
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