Flowers and bee

Flowers and bee

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

Sherman Alexie's book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, is a wonderful coming of age story. Junior lives on the Spokane Indian reservation and has found that he needs a better education than what he is receiving in his community. He takes the great leap to attending an all white high school in a neighboring farm town.
As he learns to adjust to his new classmates and they to him, he is being called a traitor by his friends on the "rez." He discovers that this is a year of challenges both in his personal life - several family tragedies - and his school life - competing with his old school on the basketball court.
Alexie provides the reader with a great lead character who takes his punches but still manages to keep his sense of humor about life and himself. He challenges the reader to think about the strength it takes to go against the grain and make changes to your life. Ellen Forney provides the illustrations that add so much to the story and provide the reader with more insight into Junior's character and his cartooning. Take a chance on this National Book Award winner. It's a fun read for both teens and adults.

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